dave 20th April 2019

to my darling Lucki, 15/4/19 was the worst day of my life when i had to make the decision to have you sent to heaven. words can't express the hole you have left in my heart and in my life, i may have saved you 7 years ago where you was mistreated, but it was you that saved me, you helped no end with my mental illnesses and without you having come into my life when you did i can honestly say i wouldnt be here anymore. it was amazing to watch you transform from this very shy and timid cat that would run and hide over the slightest nose, into the gorgeous loving character you was, the house is so quiet now and i've never felt so alone with you gone, atleast theres no-one here now to steal food off my plate when you thought i wasnt looking, or nudge my arm wanting attention. you was definately a one off, and i feel so blessed that you in my life. i just hope you know how much i love you and how much you mean to me. i always knew this day would come, i just didnt think it would hurt as much as this. i will always cherish the time we had together, i just hope you loved your time with me as much as i did with you. you maybe gone, but you will never, ever ever ever be forgotten. daddy will always love you my Lucki, and thankyou for saving me, until we meet again xXxXx